Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase
Dried Bouquet in a vase

Dried Bouquet in a vase

A Gorgeous Rustic Dried Bouquet in a Vase - Show your Everlasting Love with an Everlasting Bouquet presented in a delightful vase that matches the bouquet.

Please let us know if you want a specific type of flower & we will do our best to include.

Due to this being a Natural Product, we reserve the right to substitute some items, however we always do our best to keep to the original design and colour palette.



Size :


Card Message
Enter a card message here, this will arrive with your flowers. You may enter up to 200 characters

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Add a little extra?
  • Premium Card
  • Vase
  • Artisan Chocolates
  • Add chocolate treat on a pick in your bouquet or arrangement
  • Add luxury soap on a pick in your bouquet or arrangement
  • Hazelnut Chocolate Treats
  • Giant I love you, Teddy 🐻
  • Rose Bear
  • Feline Tin of Premium Chocolate Truffles
  • Adorable Garden Set Tool
  • Citrus Soy Candle